amarok and SuSE updater

Donn Washburn n5xwb at
Wed Feb 7 21:57:15 UTC 2007

Well this AM running amarokapp as root an error message suggested

$ cd /path/to/amarok/source-code/
$ su -c "make uninstall"
$ ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` && su -c "make install"
$ kbuildsycoca
$ amarok

So I did as it said.
m1l-suse:/mnt/hdb1/a/amarok-1.4.5 # kbuildsycoca
kbuildsycoca running...
Reusing existing ksycoca
kio (KService*): WARNING: The desktop entry file 
/opt/gnome/share/applications/DefaultPlugins.desktop has Type=Link 
instead of "Application" or "Service"
Kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!
m1l-suse:/mnt/hdb1/a/amarok-1.4.5 #

however to get this far it failed in the /libvisual directory again

Well to solve this problem I will likely reload 10.2 and avoid ANY auto 
update program

73 de Donn Washburn
307 Savoy Street     Email: " n5xwb at "
Sugar Land, TX 77478 LL#
Ham Callsign N5XWB   HAMs : " n5xwb at "
VoIP via Gizmo: bmw_87kbike / via Skype: n5xwbg
BMW MOA #: 4146 - Ambassador
       " " #279316

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