Amarok 'Fast Forward' 1.4.7 Released!

Walter P. Little walterplittle at
Fri Aug 17 20:25:01 UTC 2007

Nice work... I built 1.4.7 yesterday on my more or less SuSE 9.3 box and it
works great. 

I did run into some snags with some of the docbook stuff (specifically docs/de
and docs/pl) where it complained about undefined entities specific to amarok. I
got around it by simply removing the surrounding & and ; from each offender.
Was this an issue with my box or is this an issue with the release? And also is
there a way for me to specify in the configure script (or elsewhere) which
languages I want and have it simply ignore the others?

Cheers, and keep up the good work,


--- Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at> wrote:

> Announcing version 1.4.7 of the Amarok 'Fast Forward' series
> Yet another bugfix release from the Amarok cave to shorten the time
> until Amarok 2.0 hits the earth. Our code monkeys have been working
> very hard to get you an even more polished version of Amarok 'Fast
> Forward'.
> Amarok 1.4.7 includes an improved collection backend as well as a new
> application icon provided by Pasi Lallinaho. The streams we provide
> got a cleanup to give you the finest and coolest streams available. Of
> course we have also fixed a bunch of bugs, even though our main focus
> has moved to Amarok 2.0 development.
> The Amarok team
> Amarok is a soundsystem-independent audio-player for *nix. Its interface uses
> a powerful "browser" metaphor that allows you to create playlists that make
> the most of your music collection. We have a fast development-cycle and
> super-happy users. We also provide pensions and other employment-benefits.
> "Easily the best media-player for Linux at the moment. Install it now!"
>     - Linux Format Magazine
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