amarok takes too long to load a playlist....

Rich rich at
Fri Aug 3 07:10:56 UTC 2007

On 2007.08.03. 05:29, Kevin Williams wrote:
> I am experiencing a problem ever since I upgraded amarok to 1.4.6. I've got 
> several playlists, all but one load up quickly. 
> The one in question has 188 mp3 and flac files. When I load this playlist, 
> amarok takes up all the resources and doesn't let me do anything. This goes 
> on for about 20 minutes. 
> This problem exists everytime I change to another playlist and switchback to 
> the problematic one. 
> I couldn't find anything in collection_scan.log. I don't know where to look. 

if i remember correctly, loading playlist should not have anything to do 
with collection scanning.
is there anything different with this playlist ?
maybe you can provide one playlist that has no problems and the 
problematic one ?

> As I found out from the output of 'ps', it is the amarokapp process which 
> takes up cpu time up to 25% and upto 95% of %MEM. Seems like, there's heavy 
> I/O load. I've tried using 'ionice' and setting the priority to idle but, to 
> no avail.
> Can anyone tell me what is going on here ?
> Thanks for any help
> Kevin

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