lyrics stopped working after update to 1.4.3

Andrew Turner andrewturner512 at
Sun Sep 24 10:59:49 UTC 2006


Amarok has had issues with lyrics scripts and proxies ever since
lyrics fetching was made scriptable. There have been several attempted
fixes, and personally I thought it might be working in 1.4.3. However,
having looked, there has been one more change to the Lyrc script in

Try using that to replace the official 1.4.3 Lyrc script, which should
be located at `kde-config

The other thing worth checking is your KDE proxy settings (especially
if you don't run KDE), by running "kcontrol".

If those two still don't work, all I can suggest is you get out
Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) and try to capture the packets to see
what's going wrong.


On 23/09/06, J Sloan <joe at> wrote:
> J Sloan wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm hoping to find some answer to the problem I am having with amarok
> > after updating it.
> Additional info:
> The default lyrics fetching script in amarok-1.4.3 runs fine at home, where my
> firewall is less restrictive, http access is open to the internet, and no
> proxy is required.
> This seems to implicate the code that negotiates with the proxy and
> attempts to make the connection to the remote lyrics sites...
> Just curious, are any developers reading this list?
> Joe
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