Possible moodbar problem in 1.4.3

Joe Rabinoff rabinoff at post.harvard.edu
Thu Sep 21 16:15:54 UTC 2006

This is what's supposed to happen: if the moodbar program is not found when 
the config dialog is loaded, then the config option is *switched off* and 
grayed out, and a link to the Moodbar wiki page is added.  (Note that the 
moodbar is disabled by default.)  And if the moodbar is disabled, then that 
annoying error message does not appear.  So the only way I can think that 
this guy's error could happen is if he had the moodbar enabled then deleted 
the moodbar program.  The way he would fix the problem would be to change 
something (anything) in the config and press "Apply", so that the automatic 
switching-off of the moodbar gets saved.

I'm not sure what code he's actually running though, since Ian tried to hide 
the moodbar altogether -- apparently that didn't take.

Perhaps I should put a couple lines in Options1.ui.h that make it so if 
moodbar was switched on and it doesn't find the executable then it switches 
moodbar off and commits the config change?


On Thursday 21 September 2006 01:02, Christie Harris wrote:
> They don't say how he installed the moodbar app (and which version!) and
> amarok, nor whether it then goes on to calculate/display moods for the rest
> of the tracks in the playlist. They don't even say whether or not the
> trouble-shooting advice referred to in the URL provided via the error
> message has been followed, or even looked at.
> Christie
> On Thursday 21 September 2006 17:30, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > on the Gentoo forums I found this post, a user has a warning dialog about
> > Moodbar coming up on Amarok startup:
> >
> > http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-500332-highlight-amarok.html
> >
> > Any ideas?
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