Bug in amarok

Janek S. / killy9999 fremenzone at poczta.onet.pl
Thu Sep 7 16:47:01 UTC 2006


I'm having problem with recent versions of amarok and it seems like it's an 
amarok bug, not my system fault (although I can be wrong). Sometimes (quite 
often to be honest) when playing of a new song starts something goes wrong 
and sound device becomes unavailable ("No sound output available. Device is 
busy" - something like this, my translation from Polish). Also no other 
aplications are able to play any sound and I have to restart my system to be 
able to hear any sound again (we'll I can do 'cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp' 
and it produces sound, but that's not exactly what I want ). I don't know if 
amarok has any logs of what he's doing. I wasn't able to find any.

Here's some info about my system:
- Suse 10.0 64bit version
- kde 3.5.4 Level "a"
- Amarok 1.4.3-14.guru.suse100
- Amarok-xine 1.4.3-14.guru.suse100  (I'm using xine engine for output).
- sound module from alsa is ca0106 (for sound blaster audigy se).

If any more info is needed just tell me and I'll try to provide it.

Janek S.

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