Clarifying magnatune support in amarok

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at
Sat Nov 11 17:31:45 UTC 2006


See patch in attachment.

Just a quick note having skimmed your patch.

The Download password you also wish to remove from the log output is also
sent to you by email (in cleartext) from magnatune when you make a purchase,
to enable you to download the album directly from their site should Amarok
somehow fail to do so (Actually, in the mail, they encourage you to share it
with 3 friends). Also, this password is stored in the download info I
mentioned earlier, to enable redownloads of already purchased music.

I do not think that hiding this password from the log output is a priority
as it can in no way be used against the buyer. Not that it makes much
difference though :-)  Just wanted to explain why taking great care to
protect this password has not been a priority.


- Nikolaj
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