Settings --> Context Browser

Marcel Urech stokedfish at
Thu Nov 9 04:05:06 UTC 2006

Hi list

How about adding an own Context Browser section to the Settings --> Configure 
Amarok dialog? The CB is prolly the most important thing in the player so I 
think it deserved an own tab in the settings. Right now the CB options are 
all over the app (some appear when right-clicking on things but aren't shown 
elsewhere, some are in General, some are in Appearance, some are in the 
Last.FM settings...what a mess!)

It could look something like this:



- Default size for cover previews
- Plus the same style options as in the Appearance Tab

(install new Style, download Styles, etc.)


Short description of what it does...blah blah...

[_] Show favourite tracks
[_] Show fresh podcasts (when no track playing)
[_] Show newest albums (when no track playing)
[_] Show favourite albums (when no track playing)


[_] Show related artists (needs
[_] Show suggested songs (needs
[_] Show text files in playing directory
[_] Show html files in playing directory

(I really think those options should be merged into the player!)


Short description...blah blah...
Choose your Lyrics script or use the Script Manager to be able to see all the 
scripts and download new ones from the Web.

- Dropdown Box with all availabe Lyrics script


Short description...blah blah wikipedia blah blah...
Choose the language in which you want the information.

- Dropdown-Menu

(don't call it locale, it's too technical!)


Good or bad idea? Uhm...

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