
Gleb Litvjak blaster999 at
Sun Nov 5 19:57:22 UTC 2006

On Sunday 05 November 2006 22:03, Pablo Montepagano wrote:
> Can you explain how to install Amarok with libtunepimp? This library has
> been masked due to "security" issues. But I have read that Amarok 1.4.2 can
> handle libtunepimp-0.5 . That package can't be found in portage. So, how do
> I install it and then install Amarok with its flag (MusicBrainz flag in
> Amarok has also been masked)?
> Thanks,
> Pablo

Hi Pablo!

I assume that you, like me, are using Gentoo. If so, I have a slightly 
modified ebuild for amarok, which will install amarok with musicbrainz 
support. It requires tunepimp-0.5 installed from portage (i.e. from 
the "pro-audio" overlay). If you are interested, I can mail it to you.


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