Polish site about amaroK

Bonne Eggleston b.eggleston at gmail.com
Tue May 30 11:06:33 UTC 2006

Is there any interest in making amarok.kde.org multilingual? 

On Tue, 30 May 2006 08:35 pm, Max Howell wrote:
>joker at bajtek.org wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to create polish site about amaroK. It's under construction and
>> you can check it under temporary adress http://lookaz.bajtek.org/
>> If you have any comments or tips please let mi know.
>I like the header image, is it one of ours?
>Please emphasise that the site is not officially maintained by the
>amaroK project somewhere, as it would prolly be a problem if people got
>mixed up. Otherwise I'm sure nobody will mind and this is a good thing
>:) Thanks for the efforts,
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