
Christian Muehlhaeuser chris at
Thu Jul 27 16:52:36 UTC 2006

On Friday 30 June 2006 08:41, Andreas Heinz wrote:
> Hi,
> yesterday evening it hit me again :(
> i was searching for an artist and hit enter out of habit. but amaroks
> behavior was even worse than i had described in my first mail.
> i let amarok run and do what it wanted. after about half an hour amarok
> had put 18000 tracks into the playlist.
> i have in mind, that muesli told it should be a matter of seconds for
> amarok to do so, but this isn't true for me.
> 1.) did i muesli really mean it should be a matter of seconds for amarok
> population > 10.000 tracks into the playlist? and if so, what could be
> my / jamies problem?

this is the case for smart playlists. the collection browser doesn't make use 
of the amarok-sql playlist-loader.


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