Data Issues

Peter C. Ndikuwera pndiku at
Tue Jul 4 16:31:19 UTC 2006

I'm not a MySQL expert (PostgreSQL is my kettle of fish) but it'd probably a
better thing would be to have:

collectiondb.cpp lines 709 - 724
   // create music statistics database
   query( QString( "CREATE TABLE statistics ("
                   "url " + textColumnType() + " ,"
                   "createdate INTEGER,"
                   "accessdate INTEGER,"
                   "percentage FLOAT,"
                   "rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
                   "playcounter INTEGER );" ) );

   query( "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX url_stats ON statistics( url );" );
   query( "CREATE INDEX percentage_stats ON statistics( percentage );" );
   query( "CREATE INDEX rating_stats ON statistics( rating );" );
   query( "CREATE INDEX playcounter_stats ON statistics( playcounter );" );


On 7/4/06, Greg Meyer <greg at> wrote:
> I have been playing around this morning trying to test for a consistent
> loss
> of the stats table on mysql (unsuccessful so far) and I noticed some
> anomalies in the structure of the database.
> The following fields have the UNIQUE and INDEX keys both set:
> Table: directories       Field: dir
> Table: podcastchannels   Field: url
> Table: podcastepisodes   Field: url
> Table: staistics         Field: url
> Table: uniqueid          Field: uniqueid
> This is unecessary on mysql since fields created as UNIQUE are
> automatically
> indexed (according to the docs).
> Also, the field has its PRIMARY and INDEX keys also set,
> which is the same thing as above, by setting primary, you automatically
> get
> an index, and no INDEX key is necessary (I think).
> Using the stats table as an example, here is the code that creates the
> table:
> collectiondb.cpp lines 709 - 724
> *****************************************************************************
> CollectionDB::createStatsTable()
> {
>     // create music statistics database
>     query( QString( "CREATE TABLE statistics ("
>                     "url " + textColumnType() + " UNIQUE,"
>                     "createdate INTEGER,"
>                     "accessdate INTEGER,"
>                     "percentage FLOAT,"
>                     "rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
>                     "playcounter INTEGER );" ) );
>     query( "CREATE INDEX url_stats ON statistics( url );" );
>     query( "CREATE INDEX percentage_stats ON statistics( percentage );" );
>     query( "CREATE INDEX rating_stats ON statistics( rating );" );
>     query( "CREATE INDEX playcounter_stats ON statistics( playcounter );"
> );
> }
> *****************************************************************************
> by creating the field as unique, I don't think that creating the index
> below
> is necessary.  What say you?
> --
> Greg
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