default location of OSD

Frederik Himpe fhimpe at
Sun Jul 2 15:01:50 UTC 2006


The first thing I do when I start using Amarok on a new installation, is
change the location of the OSD. By default, it is shown in the middle of
the screen for 5 seconds. I personally think this is way too intrusive,
because this blocks the sight of your desktop for 5 seconds now and then
unexpectedly when you're using your computer.

I move the OSD alway to the top right corner, where it is a lot less
intrusive (e.g. when I'm surfing the web or reading e-mail, I'll be
much more looking at the center of the screen than at the corners), and
reduce it to 3 seconds (which suffices for me to take a quick look at it,
without being annoyed it takes so much time to disappear.).

Maybe a poll would be interesting to know where people put their OSD? I
have seen already several screenshots of others who put it in one of the
corners, so if it appears that a majority would prefer this, the default
could be changed?

Frederik Himpe

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