A Question

Andrew Turner andrewturner512 at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 28 18:38:04 UTC 2006

Amarok can indeed use MySQL and PostgreSQL as alternative backends to
the built-in SQLite (assuming it has support for these compiled in).
This of course adds to the complexity of coding Amarok, as SQL isn't
as standardised as it might be hoped.

As for the timetable, I don't really know. Amarok 2 is certainly meant
to be the big redesign, worked on in the time when KDE 4 is stable
enough to code for, but not actually released, although I personally
worry that our aspirations for redesigning so much might be
overambitious. Added to that, there is the problem that nobody really
knows when KDE 4 will be ready.

To help out with coding Amarok, I'd suggest you play with the SVN
version ( instructions on the wiki at
http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download ), join us on IRC ( #amarok on
Freenode), and maybe submit patches to any bugs that take your fancy (
http://bugs.kde.org ). That way you'll certainly become more familiar
with Amarok and everyone else will become more familiar with you :)


On 28/12/06, stan <stanb at panix.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 12:35:03AM +0000, Andrew Turner wrote:
> > Amarok's documentation has one advantage in that it's always up to
> > date. Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that it doesn't exist.
> >
> > You can find things like the SQL to create the tables in
> > collectiondb.cpp (eg the function CollectionDB::createTables),
> > although it helps to have a knowledge of C++.
> >
> > You can also explore the schema and perform queries using the sqlite
> > binaries from www.sqlite.org (you need to make sure you use their up
> > to date version, not your distro's, as it will frequently be old).
> > Amarok's database is stored at ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/collection.db.
> >
> Thanks for the info.
> I'm actually more familiar with Postgres. Looks like amarok can be
> configured to use that as an underlying DB, right?
> I gather 2.0 will be a major redesign? What's the schdeule for it look
> like, espically when does the underlying DB Schema need to be ffirmed up?
> I'm not to bad at that sort of thig, what I _am_ bad at is user front ends,
> and amarok, has a very nice one of those already. so I'm thinking I might
> be able to provide a bit of help here.
> --
> Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
> (Dennis Ritchie)

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