A Question

Andrew Turner andrewturner512 at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 27 23:42:14 UTC 2006

Unfortunately, quite a lot of Amarok's database structure isn't
optimal. Maybe when work starts for Amarok 2 (to coincide with KDE 4),
or perhaps before, things can get a big redesign.

At the moment, one reason that what you suggest isn't possible is that
while there is an album table which contains album names and ID
numbers, these albums aren't true albums, e.g. if you have two albums
called "The Best Of" by different artists, they will share the same
album ID. (In fact, it will likely be assumed to be a compilation
album and get shown under Various Artists). At the moment, this isn't
a problem, because almost everything is associated with each track, so
you can separate the two, even though they both share the same album

Also, each track can have a different embedded image (within the
MP3/whatever file).


On 27/12/06, stan <stanb at panix.com> wrote:
> I just discovered Amarok, and it has revolutinized the way I enjoy music.
> Thanks for all the hard work.
> I do have a question though. Why are cover omages associated with tracks?
> Would it not be a better design to associate them with the album
> information? Or is thier no ddatabase table for album data. I would assume
> that thier would be such a tablem abd the tracks would reference a foreeign
> key in album table.
> --
> Unix is very simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity.
> (Dennis Ritchie)
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