umounted drive makes collection disappear

Gregory Kuhlmann kuhlmann at
Fri Dec 8 22:39:04 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I'm using amarok 1.4.4 (built Nov 27, 2006), installed as a debian 
package on my x86 laptop.  I use mysql 14.12 (Distrib 5.0.27) as the 

My 90GB or so of mp3s are stored on an external USB hard drive that I only 
mount when listening to music.

My problem is that if I forget to mount the drive before starting amarok 
or if I accidentally forget to close amarok before unmounting, my 
collection must be updated from scratch.  It doesn't happen a lot, but 
when it does, I'm in for about 30-45 minutes of wait time before the 
collection update completes.

In the short term, I'll probably just write a wrapper script around 
amarok to make sure that I don't keep making this mistake-- something 

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt && amarok ; sudo umount /mnt

or is there a better solution?  Should I treat my external drive as a 
'media device'?  Anyone else have a similar setup and run into similar 


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