Fwd: amaroK database scripts

Seb Ruiz me at sebruiz.net
Sun Dec 3 12:17:07 UTC 2006

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: William Holland <will at willholland.co.uk>
Date: 03-Dec-2006 12:19
Subject: amaroK database scripts
To: me at sebruiz.net


I was wondering if you could maybe add a 'remove duplicate' script.

Currently I've a bunch of MP3's OGG's and M4U's depending on when I ripped
them, and there is some overlap.  It would be great to only see one track in
the viewer.  Is this possible? do I need to remove the duplicates (from the
filesystem)? do you have any idea how to go about this?

To me I would preferably keep the version with the highest bitrate of any
Artist/Album/Track that is identical.

And probably if I have to remove them from the filesystem, then move to a
non-amarok dir ie put all mp3's in /mp3/path/to/orig.mp3 (if the mp3 is to be
removed, and one of the others is kept).

Just an idea,




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