Feedback, suggestions (web feedback form not working?)

Tristan Olive tristan.olive at
Sat Dec 2 17:28:10 UTC 2006

Amarok Team,

I wanted to thank you for all of your efforts in developing what is by far
the best media player available for Linux or probably any other platform for
that matter. The Context tab is awesome, and while fetching lyrics and album
covers seems obvious, no one else seems to be able to get it right.
Suggested Songs is also a great feature that can only get better.

Now that you're sufficiently buttered, I do have some suggestions. :p

I've just recently discovered the Rating system in 1.4.1 (I know, it's time
to upgrade, but I take what I can get in CentOS 4.4), and I can't help but
notice that once a large number of songs are rated, there's really no
distiguishing them on the playlist at a glance. Maybe instead of all stars
being goldenrod yellow or whatever they are, their color should correspond
to the rating. For one-star songs, the star in the rating could be some
drab, grayish hue, while those in a five-star song should be more saturated
and lively to grab your attention. It could be a great visual enhancement.

Another thought is that it would be nice to make queuing easier. For
example, if you use the All Collection playlist and start queuing tracks,
it's very easy to slip with the mouse and hit "play" rather than "queue" in
the right-click menu, or even double click accidentally. My thought is that
if double-clicks could be assigned to optionally queue tracks instead of
playing them directly (at least while a queue is being processed), people
would have much less opportunity to make mistakes. For background, if I have
a party and have Amarok going (which I do), I like for people to pick what
they want to hear, but don't want them superceding the selections of their
friends. I think this would be a great option to have. Then again, maybe I'm
just an idiot and don't know how to use Amarok effectively...

Thanks for taking the time to read my comments. I hope I'm not telling you
things that you already considered or fixed. Also, thanks again for the
great software. I see that donate button eyeing me.

Tristan Olive

P.S.  I tried submitting this through the web feedback form and it did not
redirect me to a confirmation page nor did it send me a copy of the email,
so I'm assuming it didn't work. If it did work, I'm sorry for spamming!
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