release process - suggestion

Harald Sitter harald.sitter at
Mon Aug 21 22:19:16 UTC 2006

As KDE servers seem to take a while for sync, and as distros can put packages 
@ kde servers, it might be a good idea to have a delay between 
tagging/tarballing and actual public release.

So: do tagging on friday evening UTC, saturday morning UTC most servers should 
be in sync, packagers then can build binaries and people in #amarok can test 
the tarball.

So we can provide binaries at release, ensure that tarball builds everywhere  
and have still enough time to react on possible issues.


BTW, if KDE servers aren't in sync UTC morning tomorrow I will release 1.4.2 
on - kinda fed up with that version...... we also need a fixed release 
date, where either stable features go in, or they have to wait for next 

Harald Sitter      roKymotion team         harald.sitter at     apachelogger at
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