small patch that enables control over related artists
lorijho at
Wed Aug 9 13:38:21 UTC 2006
Hi to all Amarok Fans.
This is my first post to the list and it includes a patch.
I've written a small patch against amarok-1.4.1. It enables control over
related artists. artist relations are not always accurate, so
with the patch applied the user can exclude related artists by right
clicking a related artist name and select "E&xclude from similar artists
list". The item is then removed from the related_artists table in the
collectionDB. This works, of course, also for recursively related
artists (when browsing related artists).
Other small changes (which are not absolutely necessary):
- fetch up to twice as much (60) related artists from
- display up to twice as much (60) related artists in the ContextBrowser.
- display up to 60 suggested songs in the ContextBrowser
- consider up to 60 related artists when appending tracks in dynamic
playlist mode
Some screenshot:
Give it a try...
Greetings Laurent Baum (lorijho)
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Name: improve_related_artists.amarok-1.4.1.patch
URL: <>
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