Final stage of the Handbook

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu May 5 11:51:02 CEST 2011

Good news, team!

I definitely got derailed by GCI, the holidays, and life, from
finishing the list bits of the Handbook. However, one of the GCI
students, Salma Sultana, has stepped up to help finish it during her
school holidays. So meet Salma, my new Assistant Editor. If you see
her in #amarok , or #rokymotion , or #kde-www , please help her out if
she has questions and I'm not around.

India and Washington state are on opposite sides of the world, so
we'll have to be creative about communication.

Please do some reading of pages of the Handbook and ping us here if
there are issues we need to look at.

All the best,

--, Facebook, Twitter, Identica, LinkedIn, Delicious: valoriez

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