Amarok 2 logo refresh

Pierre-Luc Auclair p-l.auclair at
Sat Jan 10 20:17:34 CET 2009

> 1) The fogginess of the background. It makes the wolf appear like in a
> cloud, and blurs it too much.

I was actually inspired by the crying wolf. The background somewhat represents 
a foggy night, so you are correct about it. You can't really put too much 
detail in it otherwise you'd lose the wolf. 

What does it blur too much? The wolf ? The wolf has no blur to it and the 
contrast beween the background and the wolf are very similar.

> 2) The way the neck is no longer cut off cleanly in an arc, but now
> appears to be "torn off" from the body.

The way the neck is currently cut looks really cheap and thrown together. 
There are no links between the neck and the blue circle outline and it looks 
unfinished. I believe my proposition improves greatly on that.

> [3)] Another thing I forgot to mention: This is not actually the Amarok
>"logo". In fact it's technically the icon, which is not the same.

Yes I know, when I sent the message I wasn't at that stage. Here's a montage 
of a few ideas for banners for different applications.

Now there are some things that I must add. The larger halo in the background 
recalls the moon (of course, as you can't see it's not a straight depiction 
since it would look bad, I tried it). The background can also recall a 
rotating disc. I didn't want too much focus on that, and keep it just a hint, 
which I personally believe is better

As others have mentioned and did above, I think the mane is one of the major 
improvements to the original. It also works much better by itself, which I 
think is a nice approach that Amarok should look into as it offers more 
integration possibilities. 

It's also more consistent in lighting. Originally, you had two conflicting (or 
more, if you consider the mane detailing and the neck and ears). What I did 
was move all lighting sources to a single one, that is the top of the circle.

Additionally, I made the wolf more anatomically correct while preserving as 
much of the original traits.

> So, these are my first thoughts on your proposal. Don't let that put
> you off - I'm known for my brutal honesty in criticism.

I don't really mind, as long at it's not senseless bashing or politics. :) Of 
course I'm open to change, but these are my arguments for what I've done and I 
think they are correct.


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