Amarok 2 logo refresh

Christie Harris christie.harris at
Fri Jan 9 11:11:36 CET 2009

On 09/01/2009, at 8:32 PM, Mark Kretschmann wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:13 AM, Pierre-Luc Auclair
> <p-l.auclair at> wrote:
>> So here's the link :
> Ok, first of all I'm going to assume that the _new_ logo is on the
> left side, right? Cause you didn't explicitly mention that.
> At any rate, to be honest, I'm not sure that this is an improvement.
> Things I dislike about the new version:
> 1) The fogginess of the background. It makes the wolf appear like in a
> cloud, and blurs it too much.
> 2) The way the neck is no longer cut off cleanly in an arc, but now
> appears to be "torn off" from the body.
> So, these are my first thoughts on your proposal. Don't let that put
> you off - I'm known for my brutal honesty in criticism.
> And thanks for the work :)

Interestingly, the new logo looks kind of like a cross between the old  
'O' with the speaker in the middle, and the wolf logo :-) I agree that  
the shaggy wolf mane looks a bit untidy, but the speaker background,  
if it was a little more defined, could look quite effective.


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