KDE DevRoom and Stand request for 2009

Bart Cerneels bart.cerneels at kde.org
Thu Nov 6 10:36:09 CET 2008

* Project name:

* URL of the website of the project:

* Description of the project(s):

* Name of responsible and role in the project:
Bart Cerneels, developer and organizing monkey, assisted by local KDE team

* Stand activities:
Demoing, info handout, merchandising, face-to-face user interaction.

* Number of tables:

We'll be joined by the Amarok and KOffice teams (5 people each). Last
year the booth space was way to cramped, we had 2 tables for as many
as 15 people present.
I suggest 4 tables in an L shape in front of the KDE Devroom ( H.1301
in 2008 ). That way we have an area for merchandising and hand outs
parallel to the hallway and a place to put demo machines without
hindering the flow in the passageway.


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