The decline of Digg

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at
Thu Apr 17 11:52:56 CEST 2008

I agree with this.

That last few digg submissions we have made has not reached the
frontpage ( not even close ), but on the other hand we have seen a
huge amount of traffic from other sites, such as arstechnica,
and a host of others, actually drawing more hits to some of these
stories than some of the ones who did make it onto digg. So I think
what we should do is to focus much more broadly in the future instead
of just trying to get it onto digg.

Personally, I would really like to see succeed as that is
in essence just a very specialized digg that focuses on FOSS, it is
not quite there yet.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at> wrote:
> Shalom,
>  here's an article that illustrates a trend we've also been noticing
>  for some time. This also partly explains why our latest Digg story
>  didn't make it to the frontpage:
>  For me personally, Reddit is replacing Digg as a technology news
>  source these days. The default Reddit frontpage isn't very different
>  from Digg in scope, but I've subscribed to categories like kde,
>  programming, ruby, science, etc, which makes it pretty interesting.
>  And of course there's always good old Slashdot.. :)
>  Question is just what sites we should target in the future for our
>  marketing efforts, if Digg becomes increasingly less of a tech
>  audience?
>  --
>  Mark
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