AKO website theme

Pasi Lallinaho emunkki at sci.fi
Wed Oct 10 15:55:41 CEST 2007

Thanks for everybody for positive feedback!

Kevin, too bright as in you can't see the text or too bright as you'd 
like it's background to be ligher? It's text is now intentionally light, 
as it doesn't carry any real info. The text will of course be darker. If 
you mean it should have a background which differs from the basic bg, 
please specify what would you like it to look. At #rokymotion leinir 
suggested a 1-pixel line of the same color than the footer text color 
over the footer, which I think is a good idea.

Ian, when we have donation campaigns, we can change the "Random shot" 
-box to be "Donations" or something. We can use the space under the 
navigation to inform about important events, too. Outside those 
campaigns the link can be in the general navigation with the currency box.

Seb, could you maybe try to explain what you meant - your sentence went 
above my english skills ;) I agree with you of the Amarok -text, though. 
Should it be in the right? Or left? Or in the space under the menu? 
Please throw out any ideas, as I (we) didn't come up with a good 
solution when thinking about this problem.


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