1.4.6 dot article

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at kde.org
Fri Jun 22 11:01:38 CEST 2007

On 6/22/07, Harald Sitter <sitter.harald at gmail.com> wrote:
> Someone please write a short note for dot.kde.org, since I have no idea when
> I'm getting home today, so anyone should have a look at it ASAP.
> Just some lines summing-up the facts and linking to the ako news, then just
> ping danimo or Riddell on freenode to publish it.

To say the truth I think we are a bit over-saturating the dot lately.
It's like every second article is about Amarok currently, and I'm
convinced this is starting to get a bit tiresome for the readers. You
can easily notice this by the decreasing number of comments. Imagine
you would see articles about JuK twice per week, it would probably put
you off.

I think that we have enough exposure for 1.4.6, once we've updated the
kde-apps.org page (I'm gonna do that).


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