[Fwd: fosdem 2007]

Sven Krohlas sven at asbest-online.de
Sun Feb 11 22:53:26 CET 2007

-------- Original Message --------
From: - Sun Feb 11 15:52:30 2007
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 15:52:22 +0100
From: jos poortvliet <jos at mijnkamer.nl>
Subject: fosdem 2007

Hi ppl,

During showering (yes, I do that) the following idea popped up in my head:

Why don't we create some cooperation pages for Fosdem 2007 on the Wiki? One to
keep track of what's going on (progress on bug fixing, hacking, usability
ideas, mockups, discussion...) and another one where we can cooperate on the
daily reports. This can help structure things a bit.

Last year I wrote (with help, of course) a Fosdem report, but I don't know if
I can be at all talks, and it would be easier to coordinate communication if
everybody would know where the current work is. Those who gave talks can
easilly check the reports on their talk, everybody can add stuff if they
want, etcetera.

So I went ahead and created those pages ;-) It's a wiki, after all...

Fosdem page: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=FOSDEM2007
Results page: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=FOSDEM2007Results
Reports page: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=FOSDEM2007Reports




Alles wat ik doe denk en zeg is gebaseerd op het wereldbeeld wat ik nu heb.
Ik ben niet verantwoordelijk voor wijzigingen van de wereld, of het beeld wat
ik daarvan heb, noch voor de daaruit voortvloeiende gedragingen van mezelf.
Alles wat ik zeg is aardig bedoeld, tenzij expliciet vermeld.

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