From Dan (hydrogen)

Samuel Baldwin shardz4217 at
Fri Oct 27 13:42:12 CEST 2006

I'm actually right now working on a comparison of windows media players
(including iTunes), against Amarok's current features. I'll have it done
sometime this afternoon/evening. I don't know how much of a help this will
be, but it seemed like the thing to do after Tyson's email.

About the whole "other incentives to switch to linux" (or something to that
effect), Amarok was almost the whole reason I switched to linux, or at least
a major factor. (Some of you will remember that I was helping, or trying to
help, with Amarok while I was still Windows-only.)

Lifes been busy for me, with me trying to get an irc network up ( / , both point to the same thing), which has
been plauged by problems mostly sorted out, (by the way, drop by, you can
have your own channel and do whatever you want) and schoolwork.

Glad to be back,
Samuel (shardz)

Shardz's Igloo:

Registered Linux User #410639
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