Schedule of Amarok 1.4.4 (New Proposal)

Harald Sitter harald.sitter at
Fri Oct 6 17:08:46 CEST 2006

Short Schedule Notice 1.1 ;-)

Greg just suggested to do release of 1.4.4 one week earlier as kind of bonus 
for current Roktober Fundraise. Only problem I see is, that string freeze 
woud have to start this sunday, which is IMO quite early...

New Schedule would look like this:
8th: start of (complete) string freeze
12th: tagging, upload and end of string freeze right after tagging
13th: start of testing by #amarok folks and packaging by our packagers
17th: public release of tarball and packages (end of packaging and testing)

Please object ASAP if you see a problem with the schedule. If everyone is fine 
with this we will start string freeze on sunday.

Harald Sitter      roKymotion team         harald.sitter at     apachelogger at
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