kf5 port - reminder: wiki

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Tue Sep 1 16:05:10 UTC 2015

Hi all,

please everyone, do not forget to update the wiki on your progress:


If you need help with wiki editing, don't hesitate to ask me, I will
gladly give a hand.

Hint: Kate can be configured nicely for mediawiki markup and that
makes it much easier to create the tables. Just copy those in the wiki
once done. In the worst case you can give me your entries in CSV
format and I will make the table for you. Using a spreadsheet at home
to track the progress is also a good idea.

For the newcomers: you already have an identity account you can use on
the wiki as well, suffice to select the "Open ID/Identity login" line
and the "KDE identity" option on the next page.

Our wiki has a lot more information available in the Development
section, and, of course, it is editable if needed :)

Regards, Myriam

PS. I will be in Randa next week, so don 't hesitate to shove editing
work my way :)
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