[Port KF5] Plugins

Olivier Churlaud olivier at churlaud.com
Tue Oct 13 21:08:00 UTC 2015

Hi again,

Normally if you run Amarok (after having done a /make install/) you 
should get a QMessageBox complaning about the SQL plugin. You should be 
able to read in the trace :

Error loading plugin "amarok_storage-mysqlestorage" "La 
biblioth\u00E8que partag\u00E9e est introuvable."
Plugin search paths are ("/usr/lib/qt5/plugins", "/usr/lib/qt/plugins", 
The environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH might be not correctly set

You need to tell amarok were to look for the plugins. In my case:

  export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/olivier/Projets/bin_amarok/lib64/plugins

Then you get a segfault.

backtrace :  https://paste.kde.org/pudfq87od
trace: https://paste.kde.org/p8huiotxh

The next step is to correct this...


Engineer Student at Ecole Centrale de Lyon
in Dual Degree at TU Berlin, M.Sc. Elektrotechnik
@: olivier at churlaud.com
tel: +49 (0)1575-2931348
in:  http://linkedin.com/in/olivierchurlaud
web: http://olivier.churlaud.com

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