Port to KF5: Just bored

Olivier Churlaud olivier at churlaud.com
Wed Dec 2 22:23:27 UTC 2015


I just wanted to say that I'm not sure to continue to port to KF5 for 
long... Whatever Mamarok says, the project seems quite dead:

Considering the number of commit in the last years, the answers that 
people get on the review board, and to questions on the mailing list, it 
seems that the older devs just moved away. Which is fine, but it should 
be said, and the project discontinued.

The code is rather hard to dig in, the documentation not good enough to 
manage alone...

I wanted to give a hand, and since I arrived I feel like alone. If I 
continue this way, I'll continue to be disappointed, I may not 
contribute anymore to any opensource project, which is sad.

I began to do things about the context part, about the problem on the 
threads. If someone wants to take the next steps, feel free to ask.

I don't want to be mean to anyone, I just find it fair to tell you what 
is on my mind.


Engineer Student at Ecole Centrale de Lyon
in Dual Degree at TU Berlin, M.Sc. Elektrotechnik
@: olivier at churlaud.com
tel: +49 (0)1575-2931348
in:  http://linkedin.com/in/olivierchurlaud
web: http://olivier.churlaud.com

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