Help wanted to evolve KDEs music players

Martin Sandsmark martin.sandsmark at
Tue Aug 4 10:38:53 UTC 2015

On Tue, Aug 04, 2015 at 10:28:35PM +1200, Ben Cooksley wrote:
> We can't speak for our mirrors in terms of legal risk - those hosting
> VLC in the questionable countries may have decided they'll take the
> risk.
> The USA is the obvious problem country there...

But what kind of legal risk are we talking about here?

I can't really see why VLC would be worse than pretty much anything else we
ship in terms of patents, for example (there are patents covering a ton of
stuff we do).

If it is the DVD de-scrambling that is in a separate library, and AFAIK it is
fairly straight-forward to just build libdvdread and/or VLC without that
dependency. From some simple googling it seems like fedora already ships a
libdvdread without de-scrambling enabled, for example.

Martin Sandsmark

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