
Konrad Zemek konrad.zemek at
Sun Mar 2 19:19:02 UTC 2014


Sorry, I'm really busy lately.

On 27.02.2014 18:43, Anmol Ahuja wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting gmock to build. Could you please update the 
> wiki with instructions on how you got it to work?

I don't think this belongs to the wiki as it's basically a workaround/hack.
1. Fetch and compile GoogleMock, in-source without installing it. Let's 
    that GoogleMock's directory is /home/konrad/gmock
2. ln -s /home/konrad/gmock/gtest/include/gtest /home/konrad/gmock/include/
3. Go into the directory where you want to build Amarok.
4. Call cmake with additional arguments:

By the way, I'm having various problems with while running 
cmake; I
had to remove the line calling it from src/CMakeLists.txt:486 . Interpreter
errors out at mixed spaces and tabs, then at indentation levels, then 
says "Permission denied: '/usr/local/share/apps'". I say "finally" because I
that's the last problem I encountered before removing abovementioned line.


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