Changes in GMock

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Tue Oct 1 07:23:32 UTC 2013

Hey all,

last night we stumbled upon some changes in Google Mock that might
have repercussions for Amarok. It started by Frank upgrading his
Kubuntu installation, only to find that Amarok did no longer build
with tests enabled. After some research by the Kubuntu developers, the
following message was found from the upstream Debian devs:

"The Google C++ Mocking Framework uses conditional compilation for some
things. Because of the C++ "One Definition Rule", gmock must be
compiled with exactly the same flags as your C++ code under test.
Because this is hard to manage, upstream no longer recommends using
precompiled libraries."

So essentially GMock is no longer provided as a binary package, but
instead it has to be compiled from source. While that's not an
insurmountable problem, I think it would be beneficial to discuss it.
Also because we could still influence the packaging to some degree if
we can find a better solution.

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe -

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