Change in stream URL, then crash

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Mon Nov 11 06:49:26 UTC 2013

Hi Valorie,

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 7:18 AM, Valorie Zimmerman
<valorie.zimmerman at> wrote:
> This station used to work; that said I haven't used amarok to listen
> to it for awhile, since my phone has a built-in FM tuner and I've been
> using that instead. But I wanted to set it up again in Amarok.
> King FM in Seattle gives me this as the stream URL:
> By the way, this URL brings up VLC through the browser, where it plays fine.
> I use the Playlist > Add Media dialog, and paste the URL in. Amarok
> changes it to (displayed in the playlist)
> and doesn't play it. If I double-click, Amarok crashes.
> Not sure if this is a bug, and if so exactly what I should file
> against it. Here is the end of the output from -d --nofork:

Is it reproducible? The run it in gdb, get a backtrace and make a bug report.

Regards, Myriam
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