application for Project: Improving and modularizing tag guessing

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Sat Mar 16 18:03:31 UTC 2013

Hi Mayank,

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 3:23 PM, Mayank Jha <mayank25080562 at> wrote:
> I am Mayank Kumar Jha, a B.Tech 2nd year student, National Institute of
> Technology, Durgapur, India. I am really interested into doing a project
> involving Qt, QML. I am well-versed in C,C++. Have a first hand knowledge of
> Python,Qt and HTML. I strongly believe in the principles of FOSS and am
> really enthused about people working together, sharing the source code and
> learning a lot in the end!
> Following are some of my contributions to the world of FOSS:
> -> fierytower, a simple game developed using pygame library of python. link
> -> A plugin codesubmit for geany, which allows users to submit problems to
> online problem solving forums like codechef, SPOJ etc. developed using the
> geanypy API which is still under development, and its in waiting for review.
> link
> -> Provided a patch for amarok music player, which tries to show the
> difference between new and old lyrics link
> -> Provided a patch for bluemindo music player which fixes the lyrics
> problem of the player
> I am particularly interested in this project, as I had thought of using tag
> improvement as a tool to improvise on lyrics retrieval of the song, but did
> not have a concrete idea and a mentor pertaining to the same. I am willing
> to be a part of this.

Nice to have some background information about you, but it is way too
early to apply for the GSoC proejcts, as it is not even official that
we will be selected to participate again this year. Once this is done
you will get notified, provided you are subscribed to the
kde-soc at mailing list. Applications can only be done on the
official Google GSoC web interface and it's still quite a way until
then, a time you should now spend on really get involved into Amarok
and KDE by helping fixing bugs.

But let's make this official with the response every student gets from
us who asks about GSoC:

Welcome Mayank,

GSoC 2013 has only just been announced and we are currently creating
the list of ideas for GSoC which will be available as soon as KDE is
accepted as a participating project.

In the mean time I strongly suggest you read the KDE guide [1] first
and get familiar with KDE and its various projects as much as
possible. To be able to select a particular project you need to be
quite familiar with it, so make sure you learn as much as possible in
the mean time, mostly by using KDE and reading the documentation of
the various projects.

Getting not only familiar with the project but also get some first
coding experience and getting acquainted with the KDE developers is a
strongly recommended, so please have a look at the Junior Jobs in
Bugzilla [2]

You should also subscribe to the KDE SoC mailing list [3] where all
announcements regarding GSoC will be made.

Some important information regarding KDEs GSoC planning can be found
on the KDE Community wiki [4]

[2] http:/

If you have never worked on Free Software before, here is some
important background information as well as some additional reads we

About Free Software: [5]
How to ask questions and communicate: [6], [7] and [8]
Some basic mailing list and IRC etiquette: [9] and [10]


Regards, Myriam

Proud member of the Amarok and KDE Community
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