Review Request 109283: Bug 140198 - JJ: feature request: option to selectively disable submitting certain tracks/albums from collection to

Matěj Laitl matej at
Wed Mar 6 15:22:03 UTC 2013

> On March 6, 2013, 3:20 p.m., Matěj Laitl wrote:
> > Nice, all the issues were resolved correctly. I've spotted one more minor issue, an issue in new code and I have a config dialog suggestion.

Also please click on the "Resolved" button for each issue of this review request you resolve so that we can keep track of them. (you don't need to create a "review" or a "comment" here just to resolve an issue, so you can use them as a live TODO list)

- Matěj

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On March 6, 2013, 9:34 a.m., Vedant Agarwala wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated March 6, 2013, 9:34 a.m.)
> Review request for Amarok.
> Description
> -------
> Added a check-box to disable scobbling for tracks with a particular label. The label can be selected from a drop-down list or entered manually. Any track that contains this label is skipped from being submitted to for being scrobbled.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/services/lastfm/LastFmConfigWidget.ui 5c5e51b 
>   src/services/lastfm/LastFmServiceConfig.h 3f33b72 
>   src/services/lastfm/LastFmServiceSettings.h 41b2ead 
>   src/services/lastfm/LastFmServiceSettings.cpp f6e1564 
>   src/services/lastfm/ScrobblerAdapter.h ea74196 
>   src/services/lastfm/ScrobblerAdapter.cpp b1a09f8 
>   src/statsyncing/Process.cpp c42fdc4 
>   src/statsyncing/ScrobblingService.h 971edd7 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Builds and runs successfully.
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> screen shot of the last fm service settings
> Thanks,
> Vedant Agarwala

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