Trying to solve bug 240409

Matěj Laitl matej at
Mon Feb 18 20:05:43 UTC 2013

On 19. 2. 2013 Abhinandan Ramprasath wrote:
> To solve the bug,

Bug 240409 - be warned that it may turn out harder than expected, I dunno who 
marked it as a junior job. ;)

> I was
> thinking I could create a MultiTrack (Meta::MultiTrack) list with all the
> chapters in a list one below the other and setting offsets to each chapter
> in the m4b file(which I still haven't figured out how).

I don't think MultiTrack would be necessary, see below.

> 1) The supported filetypes does not include ".m4b" format listed, should I
> add it to the list?

Not needed, .m4b is just a different extension for the .m4a type and shares the 
same mime-type.

> 2) Does the Meta::Track class have a base file, offset support(because I
> couldn't find any)?

No, and it shouldn't be need.

> 3) How does the "bookmark" feature work? can I use those functions to
> implement chapters?

Definitely. I think the best approach is already outlined on the bug in comment 

The biggest problem seems to be reading the chapter offsets from the .m4b files, 
you may want to make some research how these are stored and how they can be 
read - Amarok uses TagLib exclusively for metadata extraction, so preferably 
TagLib-based solution could be found.

If you don't find a feasible solution to read the chapters after reasonable 
time invested, you may want to consider picking another junior-job that is 
actually "junior".


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