GSoC application review - reimplementing personal metadata importers

Matěj Laitl matej at
Thu Apr 25 10:34:34 UTC 2013

On 24. 4. 2013 Konrad Zemek wrote:
> First, I added that my application has been discussed over on this 
> mailing list. I know that several projects highly favor students that 
> have engaged with the community about their project.


> Second, I mentioned 
> that I'm a titled finalist of Polish Olympiad in Informatics. I'm not 
> sure how I didn't add that before, but that's the highlight of my career 
> so far; it is quite an important contest in Poland.

Oh, nice! Do mention it.

I may be stating the obvious, but I felt it needs to be said:
Please note that "ideal" code for a typical FLOSS project may be very different 
from "ideal" code for a programming contest. In Amarok, we try to keep code as 
simple (to read & understand) as possible, even if it would mean it is let's 
say 15% slower. Keep in mind that many readers of our code may not be contest 
finalists - but we still want them to be able to understand and perhaps modify 

This of course doesn't mean you should be using O(n) algorithm when O(log(n)) 
algorithm exists or refrain from using private inheritance where it is 
appropriate. It means "oh, this is a super-smart code, but perhaps it can be 
expressed more clearly using a line or two more?" mindset.


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