Review Request: Multiple EngineController and related fixes, incl. fix for release_blocker bug 299890 (squashed commits, recent on top)

Matěj Laitl matej at
Thu Jul 19 19:14:23 UTC 2012

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(Updated July 19, 2012, 7:14 p.m.)

Review request for Amarok and Bart Cerneels.


Rebase on top of the current master, so that this can be still tested.


MetaStream: match track by QUrl, not by QString

Fixes a bug where MetaStram::Track didn't update tags here because
pretty url was used in signal, but it compared against encoded url
(the one with %20 instead of spaces).

EngineController: reduce code duplication among play( TrackPtr ) and stop()

EngineController: fix play count increased by 2 in some cases

First, I tried to fix this using the "correct" approach by emitting
trackFinishedPlaying() in slotFinished() [connected to Phonon
finished()] and in slotNewTrackPlaying() [connected to Phonon
currentSourceChanged()], but I failed, because even
currentSourceChanged() is emitted twice by some back-ends (at least
phonon-vlc 0.5) plus slotNewTrackPlaying() has hard time determining
whether m_currentTrack was really played.

So I've solved it by adding guard variable to detect
slotAboutToFinish() being called twice per song. We would need this
even for other things, I had following bug at the end of the playlist:
first slotAboutToFinish() calls playlistActions()->requestNextTrack()
which correctly says "nothing more to play", but the next call to it
re-starts playback from the start of the playlist.

BUG: 299890

EngineController: fix isStream(), style fix for trackPosition()

MetaStream: big clean-up, implement play statistics methods

 * remove many unused and useless methods such as setTitle() and
 * additionally take genre, comment, track number from Engine
   Controller's signal
 * implement rating, score, first & last play and play count. These are
   rather debugging tool for EngineController, but they also give you
   nice info on how many songs have played in the stream
 * no need to reimplement observer pattern, use MetaBase implementation
 * implement length, EngineController will emit length info soon

EngineController: introduce trackFinishedPlaying() signal be used in scrobbling when it is emitted for streams,

EngineController: rework slotMetaDataChanged(), nearly no functional change

 * get data from Phonon to meta QVariantMap more intelligently
 * m_lastTrack and trackChanged had effect only in debug message, ditch
 * note that m_currentTrack may be inaccurate there
 * rename isMetadataSpam() to isInRecentMetaDataHistory() to describe
   the functionality better
 * less debug() spam, specifically be rather quiet for duplicate
   signals from phonon
 * Phonon doesn't provide track length, but it does provide track
   description that we save as "comments" now.
 * trackData() method was unused and likely meant for
   slotMetaDataChanged(); ditch it

EngineController: remove unimplemented methods

No one could have called them, so remove them altogether to reduce
developer confusion.

PlaylistFileProvider: fix switch { } compiler warning

This addresses bug 299890.

Diffs (updated)

  ChangeLog 1d4f1e92fb5a033500c0f18d3dca257a89f1a139 
  src/EngineController.h ad2e0c4a5e7c80c79bf448bf74cd6b52cd1f0ed3 
  src/EngineController.cpp 83f0a6ed0a92ae992e1809800cee65d9349dc680 
  src/core-impl/meta/stream/Stream.h 2b0a5824eae49345807eef94a465e133996624a1 
  src/core-impl/meta/stream/Stream.cpp b0fcfad5808b9ae428cb6612bec1737b3af82d3b 
  src/core-impl/meta/stream/Stream_p.h 58b715f27cb43d014d5837f1afec9d60cb71cc48 
  src/playlistmanager/file/PlaylistFileProvider.cpp bafdf69f24e606e0a1e879fda78cedfef7325cbb 




Matěj Laitl

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