Amarok 2.7 Beta Released

Matěj Laitl matej at
Fri Dec 14 13:37:25 UTC 2012

Hola Amarok packagers,
Amarok 2.7 Beta (aka 2.6.90) has been released[1] just now, available at [2]. 
While we plan to release 2.7 final just before Christmas, we would be thankful 
if you could provide the Beta package through your testing channels so that we 
could get as much testers as possible.

The biggest changes packager-wise are raised or new dependencies:
 * mandatory kdelibs >= 4.8.4
 * mandatory qt >= 4.8
 * optional nepomuk-core >= 4.9 for the Nepomuk Collection
 * optional liblastfm >= 1.0.3 for the integration
 * optional libmygpo-qt >= 1.0.6 for the integration


MD5Sum: 880612996794fed3ae5a72fba4aac61f  amarok-2.6.90.tar.bz2                                                                                                                                       
SHA1Sum: c3fc7770a9ddaaa09923d67ee8023cd5a2b61100  amarok-2.6.90.tar.bz2                                                                                                                              

Documentation (9)
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Translations (35)
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pl pt pt_BR ru sl sr sr at ijekavian sr at ijekavianlatin sr at latin sv uk zh_CN zh_TW 

Thanks for packing Amarok,
		Matěj Laitl on behalf of The Amarok Team

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