Fwd: Rich or plain text?

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Tue Sep 6 07:44:46 UTC 2011

Again, this should be discussed on the developers list, as suggested
previously by Bart.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frank Steinmetzger <Warp_7 at gmx.de>
Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 03:07
Subject: Re: Rich or plain text?
To: ryan.mccoskrie at gmail.com, Amarok Mailing List <amarok at kde.org>

Am Samstag, 6. August 2011, 11:16:42 schrieb Ryan McCoskrie:
> I've just started hacking amarok by making a little change to the delete
> file prompt so that it (if possible) displays $TRACK by $ARTIST rather than
> $FILE.

In my opinion, if you are deleting a file, the dialogue really _should_ tell
you the filename. What if you want to delete a duplicate song (same tags, same
length, but one is in a folder with unsorted songs, and the other one is in
the folder with the entire album) and make sure you delete the right one?
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla'
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