Fwd: [LikeBack: Like] #2721 (2.4.90 - fr)

Matěj Laitl matej at laitl.cz
Sun Nov 27 22:39:04 UTC 2011

On 27. 11. 2011 Mathias Panzenböck wrote:
> Well, for me current GIT crashes about every 10 or 20 songs. For some songs
> it crashes reproducibly.  I use the VLC backend and still KDE 4.6. Maybe
> it's because of this. (VLC on its own does not crash so I use amarok to
> manage my music and then drag the songs into VLC to play them.) Also for
> some reason the crashes do not open the crash manager so I don't have any
> backtrace.

I had the problem of Dr. Konqi not appearing on crashes too, but you can do 
the following.

amarok --debug
# it will fork into background
gdb -p `pidof amarok`
# wait while it loads debug symbols
(gdb) continue
# reproduce crash
(gdb) thread apply all bt
# You have a backtrace!

		Matěj L.

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