New Dynamic Playlist

Lukas 1lukas1 at
Fri Jun 24 15:29:55 CEST 2011

Hi Ralf,

On 24 June 2011 15:27, Ralf Engels <ralf-engels at> wrote:

> Hi Lukas,
> I wanted to write a point by point review here but let's first start
> like this:
> 1. What is confusing for you in the new dynamic playlist implementation.
> Was there something that you did not understand?

At first I was looking at APG, but form what I later understood, the ol'
good Dynamic playlist (DP) is going to be kept. Yes dynamic playlist UI is
much more understandable :), yet (it could be due to no accurate
translations) its not immediately obvious which one filter to choose.

* Also filter drop down is somewhat random sorted (rating is twice below
bpm), makes usage slow.

* If you want to have playlist with 7 artists, currently it would be 7
filters, and on my laptop only 3 fits in the view port without scrolling.

> 2. What are the deficiencies that you want to fix with the new design?

* editing DP could be placed into context area, so its easy to switch to
another DP.
Drop down with saved playlits in DP feels something wrong, doesn't get users
attentions. Saving requires dialog, and dialogs are a bit annoying,

* User can type filters FIRST, and later select (or have auto-selected)
where they apply later.
You can just type in artists name, and Amarok knows its an artist, so it
means less scrolling in the dropdown.

* More than one one title/tag/artist per single filter.
If you want playlist with e.g. 7 artists, it would be a single filter.
Currently it would be 7 filters, and on my laptop only 5 fits in the view

* Drop down auto-complete
Pretty self explanatory. It can also be reused in local music collection. As
auto complete educates/forces/helps users to use * for wild cards, it might
be possible to avoid %term% in SQL. Wild card at the beginning on the search
term usually makes indexes useless -> slower search.

Rest is less important :)

> >
> >


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