Unable to find qtscriptgenerator

Shaun Reich predator106 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 07:12:41 CET 2011

I've been trying to work through this for a while now, but I just
*cannot* get cmake to find qtscriptgenerator. I am running all of kde
from master and am attempting to compile amarok.
I have compiled qtscriptgenerator and everything, the plugins have
been generated in that source directory. I've tried copying the
contents of scripts/ to $QTDIR/lib as well as to $QTDIR/lib/scripts,
with no luck. I'm guessing maybe I forgot to set some environment
variable properly or something? *shrug*

(please keep me CC'd -- I'm unlisted).

(for reference..)
$QTDIR -> ~/qt4
$KDEDIR -> ~/kde
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH -> ~/kde/lib ~/qt4/lib

Shaun Reich,
KDE Developer (www.kde.org)

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