Visualization in Amarok

Daniel Dewald Daniel.Dewald at
Fri Aug 12 13:47:43 UTC 2011

Hey Alex,


First of all nice to have you on board. So please don't take my words the
wrong way and don't take them personal. However some other person was also
already working on a very similar solution using vsxu. If you had read the
mailing list or ASKED in the IRC Channel a lot of this work could have been
SHARED. I also worked on visualization for a while but canceled my project
because a lot of work on another feature was wasted because of (now obvious)
miscommunication problems. I think its wonderful that new people are joining
the Amarok team. But I kind of getting really annoyed by the way they do it.
When I first wanted to contribute stuff to Amarok  I asked in the IRC
channel what I could do and if no one else was working on that stuff (I'm
still doing that before beginning on a new feature). I find that only to be
a polite thing to do. Just throwing code at a project without caring what
other people might be working on is just rude. Be it as it may what is
pissing me of the most about it is how the community is (not) handling this
problem. It's just ignored and code is chosen randomly and pushed randomly
no matter who was following "protocol" und who was just storming in. As a
matter of facts most of the times people who carefully are holding back
their code for bug fixing and present it later are left behind while other
people who just throw half bred code at the project get their code pushed in
immediately. In my opinion people who are that rude should not get rewarded.


Now as I said Alex this has only partly to do with your patch and has been
observed by me before. So don't feel to pissed about my mail. I just though
as I seem to be the only one who cares I might bring it up. It's not my code
that gets wasted this time so I shouldn't care. But I feel bad for  the poor
soul who got his work crushed this time as I know how it feels.






From: amarok-devel-bounces at [mailto:amarok-devel-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Alessandro Siniscalchi
Sent: Donnerstag, 11. August 2011 11:01
To: amarok-devel at
Subject: Visualization in Amarok


Hi all,

I just finished a patch that add the Visualization to amarok.


As you can see there are 2 new modules:


- audiodatacenter: it manage all the modules that need raw data


- visualm: it uses audiodatacenter to register and receive data and send it
to projectM-qt mainWindow.


First ... I'd like to know what do u think about.


Then ... I'd like to make visualm optional. Which is the way ?




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