UI: How to make MusicBrainz dialog shine, or noob needs help.

Sergey Ivanov 123kash at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 07:40:46 CEST 2010

2010/10/28 Rick W. Chen <stuffcorpse at archlinux.us>:

> I'd like to have both options as well. In Picard these are called
> "lookup" and "scan". Lookup is generally much faster than scan,
> especially when done on a "cluster" (tracks grouped by album); it
> just looks at the album/artist names, how many tracks there are and find
> the closest results musicbrainz gives. Having a treeview instead of list
> helps with this clustering process.
> With a treeview that groups by album, it can list all the tracks that
> belong to that album, and not just the ones that you have. It makes it
> easier to see whether that album is the right one. Showing more metadata
> supplied by musicbrainz also helps.

Initially my implementation had been very similar to Picard (2 trees
and 2 frames with old and new meta data in bottom), and also showed
complete track list for albums, and tracks had been dragable  to move
'em between albums, or back to search list. But It was confusing for
people not familiar with Picard ( discussion log
http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/100000/ ). :)

What kind of "supplied by musicbrainz" metadata I should also show?


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