Review Request: Refactoring of FileType, get Type from Database, some Code Changes as Example of the Advantage of the Refactoring

Stefan Derkits stefan at
Tue Oct 19 01:57:37 CEST 2010

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Review request for Amarok.


Refactoring of FileType & some Changes that use the advantages of the new FileType Class:
-) Old enum FileType is now FileTypeEnum (still in there because it's needed to create the new FileType Objects)
-) Created new Class & some Helper Functions
-) Changed MetaQueryWidget to use the QStringList that contains all Filetypes
-) Meta::SqlTrack.type() now gets it's Information from the Database instead of the FileExtension

Please give me your Feedback on this Patch.
One thing I don't really like that much is the Constructor. But without the enums the Constructor would have to use ugly Ints.
An Option would be an additional Constructor that takes a QString as Argument (e.g. I could think of Amarok::FileType = "mp3"), and creates an Object by looking up the FileType in the QStringList.


  shared/FileType.h 55c80b9 
  shared/FileType.cpp PRE-CREATION 
  src/CMakeLists.txt c55bb83 
  src/browsers/CollectionTreeItemModelBase.cpp c25549b 
  src/core-impl/collections/sqlcollection/CMakeLists.txt f530d67 
  src/core-impl/collections/sqlcollection/SqlMeta.h 9434b03 
  src/core-impl/collections/sqlcollection/SqlMeta.cpp 97969be 
  src/core-impl/collections/support/MemoryFilter.cpp ecb92ff 
  src/widgets/MetaQueryWidget.cpp 5316ec6 
  tests/core-impl/collections/sqlcollection/CMakeLists.txt 93d24e3 
  tests/synchronization/CMakeLists.txt e5df2df 
  utilities/collectionscanner/CollectionScanner.cpp 033ea84 



Tested in the App, found no wrong Behaviour



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